Crystal Therapy
Crystal Therapy

Crystal healing is a sacred ancient science that is once again becoming increasingly popular as people rediscover the immense power of stones for improving health and wellbeing on many different levels, Mind, Body, Spirit and beyond.
Crystals have been used throughout all of history as a source of healing power. Ancient cultures all over the world used healing crystals and stones to align, clear and transform their energy, spirit and physical health. The powers of crystals were no mystery to most ancient cultures including the Egyptian, Mayans, and Sumerians, who regularly adorned their bodies, jewellery, and buildings with these sacred stones.
Even though these ancient cultures understood the incredible healing properties of crystals and gemstones, our modern culture has for the most part forgotten about these early healing techniques. Thankfully, there has been a recent surge in interest about the energetic healing powers of their properties beyond their use in pharmaceuticals.
Crystals can be used directly, by placing on the body, as a gem remedy or by gridding a room, house or workspace to cleanse your environment of geopathic stress, electromagnetic smog or negative energy.
£25 – Crystal Therapy. You will be lying on the couch whilst crystals are placed on and around your body, helping to remove blockages and improve energies, which may help to relax and energise the body.
There are different layouts for different conditions. Additional treatments include…
£25 – Chakra Balance
Either laying on the couch or sitting in a chair, crystals are placed around the body to cleanse and re-balance the chakras, bringing a feeling of relaxation and rejvenation.
£20 – Warm Crystal Facial**
Using warmed Rose Quartz and Germanium oil to gently massage your face.
£20 – Angelite Back Massage**
You will lay face down on the couch whilst angelite crystals are used to massage your back, leaving you totally relaxed.
**£30 – Combined cost of Warm Crystal Facial and Angelite Back Massage when both of the above treatments are received together.
Safety and Precautions.
Crystal Therapy is a gentle non invasive process, but there are certain conditions that may prevent treatment :
- Severe emotional disorders eg grief, emotionally unstable, anxiety, bi-polar etc.
- Epilepsy
- Diabetes
- Heart Conditions
- Anyone fitted with a pacemaker or other electrical device
- Are receiving any treatment or medication for Cancer (any variation)
- First trimester of pregnancy
- Children under 16
This is not an exhaustive list, your therapist will be able to guide you further about whether or not a treatment is suitable for you. The information given is for personal information and interest only. It is not intended to offer professional medical advice or treatment on any condition. Always consult your GP if you are concerned about any health condition.