Hopi Ear Candling
Hopi Ear Candling

Hopi Ear Candling , also known as Thermal Auricular Therapy are hollow tubes of organically grown flax, extracts of honey, beeswax and herbs.
Hopi Ear Candling came from the North American native Hopi Indians of North Arizona, where the shaman healers used the candles in rituals and healing. Interestingly, Hopi means ‘peaceful people’ and this therapy is indeed well known for its calming and relaxing effects.
What to expect:
The treatment involves the client laying on their side with the ear being treated facing up, the lit candle is then gently placed into the ear while the candle burns down. As the candle gently burns it creates a chimney effect creating a light vacuum. The flickering of the flame creates vibrations that massage the eardrum and herbal vapour swirls into the ear canal, helping to soothe and balance. As the candle burns many say it sounds like a fire softly crackling away and warmth in the ear add to the relaxing experience. The usual burn time for each candle is 10 – 15 minutes.
This treatment concludes with a facial massage using oils, which uses acupressure techniques and focuses on relieving sinus problems and headaches, leaving you feeling relaxed and refreshed. A complete treatment will take between 30 – 45 minutes.
The benefits of A Hopi Ear Candling:
A Hopi Ear Candling treatment can be enjoyed purely for relaxation purposes, but the process is believed to be helpful for many problems and conditions, including the following…
- Colds
- Sinusitis
- Wax blockage
- Glue Ear
- Allergies/ Hayfever
- Tension headaches
- Tinnitus
- Catarrh
- Irritability and stress
- Ear pressure due to flying
- Vertigo
Naval Candling Therapy:
- Improves menstruation and eases menstrual pain
- Helps with bloated stomach
- Stimulates pancreas, liver and gall-bladder
£30 – Hopi Ear Candling
£20 – Naval Candling
Safety and Precautions.
Ear Candling is a gentle non invasive process, but there are certain conditions that may prevent treatment:
- Grommets, drains or tubes fitted in the ear
- Cochlear implants
- Perforated eardrum
- Ear or sinus inflammation or infection
- Auricular cysts
- Recent head or neck injury
- Recent ear surgery
- Any condition of the ear you are seeing your GP for
- Allergic to any ingredients in the candle
- High or low blood pressure
- Epilepsy
- First trimester of pregnancy
This is not an exhaustive list, your therapist will be able to guide you further about whether or not a treatment is suitable for you. The information given is for personal information and interest only. It is not intended to offer professional medical advice or treatment on any condition. Always consult your GP if you are concerned about any health condition.